Who & What is Just Facts EDU

Who & What is Just Facts EDU


The vision of Just Facts EDU began off many principles. Including Total Quality Management, Engagement, I’m Okay Your Okay, Checks and Balances, Equality and Fairness. Every person is equal and has value. The most innovative changes come from open exchanges and ideas. Through open and transparent communication. Data extracting out conflicts of interests, Research, Education we as a community can move forward, learn, grow, and make positive change. Just because someone told you doesn’t necessarily make it true. Check it see what supporting documentation and resources you can find to support it.

Change is good, it moves us forward. We learn and grow. Leaving our communities in a better place.

Just Facts EDU is a free, online resource for those working to build communities and bring about social change. We offer fact based information, educational workshops and collaborative groupings based off of our mission:  To promote public awareness and education. By providing a foundation of fact-based, objective research and analysis. To educate and engage the public in informed discussions.

The vision behind Just Facts EDU is that we the people are better prepared to work together to change conditions that affect their lives and can only do so when they understand what’s what, who does what and how they can engage.

Our Board of Directors, Management are 100% volunteers. They donate their time, materials, resources and money to Just Facts EDU. They operate from passion to make positive change for our communities.


Just Facts is a nonprofit 501 C3 Charity sustained solely through generous donations at the private and corporate level. As a supporter, your donation assures Just Facts EDU can provide improvements and resources to our communities.  With your generous contribution Just Facts EDU can more effectively with our neighborhoods and address the community issues at hand.

Your donations are 100% used for programs & projects. Our staff management are volunteers and donors to the cause. Want to help? Only by working together can positive change happen. Volunteer

Can you help us help our neighborhoods by making a donation now?Donation Just Facts EDU

Just Facts EDU as a tax exempt 501 C (3) under IRS Section 170. Supporters – Donors can use contributions they make to Just Facts EDU as deductible on their tax returns.  Qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under Section 2055, 2016, or 2522

Donna Joy

Donna Joy is a continuous entrepreneur, started in the Biotech, medical field. She was blessed to be part of a team that developed life saving biological products for implantation in Switzerland. Move back to the US and worked on another startup, Ambulatory Infusion devices medical devices. She was involved in offshore manufacturing. She moved to Sedona wanting to grow her family. Sedona, a resort town lead Donna and her Husband, Dana into the food business. Donna has served on 4 non-profit boards. Loves learning, stats, data crunching, improvement and helping others.