What’s What Primary Election

What’s What Primary Election

What’s What and what is where in a primary Election voting?

The mail in ballots are out and you may have received them.

The Primary Election is considered a closed election as most of the voting is for party selection. What does that mean? Depending which party you are registered for will depend on the ballot you get. If you are registered a Democrat then you will get a ballot for candidates in that party.

There is one exception in this voting NONPARTISAN voting for City & Towns.

How and what are we voting for in August?

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Donna Joy

Donna Joy is a continuous entrepreneur, started in the Biotech, medical field. She was blessed to be part of a team that developed life saving biological products for implantation in Switzerland. Move back to the US and worked on another startup, Ambulatory Infusion devices medical devices. She was involved in offshore manufacturing. She moved to Sedona wanting to grow her family. Sedona, a resort town lead Donna and her Husband, Dana into the food business. Donna has served on 4 non-profit boards. Loves learning, stats, data crunching, improvement and helping others.

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