Fact Vault Donations

Fact Vault Donations
Your Contributions are Tax Deductible.

Just Facts EDU has a research library of documents, reports, targeted collections and infographics. This donation button keeps this program going.

Your Contributions are Tax Deductible.

Just Facts EDU is a tax exempt 501 C (3) under IRS Section 170. Donors can use contributions they make to Just Facts EDU as deductible in their tax returns.  Qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under Section 2055, 2016, or 2522.

A public resource for we the people. Learn the facts. Decide for yourself.

Just Facts EDU is a tax exempt 501 C (3) under IRS Section 170. Donors can use contributions they make to Just Facts EDU as deductible in their tax returns.  Qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under Section 2055, 2016, or 2522.

A public resource for we the people. Learn the facts. Decide for yourself.